All pages
- A.1
- A.2
- A.3
- A.4
- Abreviations
- Abstract Test Suite
- Acquisition Information
- Anchor
- Any
- B.1
- B.2
- B.3
- B.4
- Basic Types
- Boolean
- Browse Graphic
- C.1
- C.2
- C.3
- Catalogue
- CellGeometryCodelist
- Cell Geometry Codelist
- CharacterSetCodelist
- Character Set Codelist
- Citation
- Classification Level Codelist
- Completness
- Complex Types
- Conformance Result
- Conformances
- Conformity
- Constraint
- Controlled Vocabulary
- Coupling Type Codelist
- Coverage Content Information
- Coverage Content Type Codelist
- Coverage Description
- Coverage Result
- D.1
- D.2
- D.3
- DMF/Core involved in CSW
- DMF Class 2 profile of the first generation of ISO Standards
- DMF Extensions of ISO 19115
- DMF Metadata Elements
- Data Identification
- Data Types
- Dataset
- Dataset series
- Date
- DateTime
- Date Type Codelist
- Definitions
- Descriptive Result
- Detailed mapping
- Dimension
- Dimension Name Codelist
- Dissemination Constraint Codelist
- Distance
- Distributed Computing Platform Codelist
- Distribution
- E.1
- E.2
- E.2.1
- E.2.2
- E.2.3
- E.2.4
- Extent
- F.1
- F.2
- F.3
- Feature Catalogue
- Feature Catalogue Information
- Float
- Format
- Free Text
- Frequency Codelist
- General mapping
- Geographic Box
- Geometric Object Type Codelist
- Geometric Objects
- Geonetwork Extension
- Geopositioning Level Codelist
- Geopositioning Model Type Codelist
- Georectified Grid Spatial Representation
- Georeferenceable Grid Spatial Representation
- Georeferencing Parameters
- Geospatial Information Type Codelist
- GridLocation
- HorizontalAccuracy
- ISO AP additional returnable and queryable metadata elementsISO
- ISO Anchor
- ISO Citation
- ISO Conformance Result
- ISO Coverage Description
- ISO Coverage Result
- ISO Data Identification
- ISO Descriptive Result
- ISO Distribution Information
- ISO Extent
- ISO Format
- ISO Free Text
- ISO Georectified Grid Parameters
- ISO Georeferenceable Grid
- ISO Geospatial Information Type
- ISO Grid Spatial Representation
- ISO Identifier
- ISO Image Association Type
- ISO Legal Constraints
- ISO Locale
- ISO Online Location
- ISO Quality Information
- ISO Quantitative Result
- ISO Record
- ISO Resource Data Level
- ISO Resource Keyword Set
- ISO Resource Metadata Set
- ISO Resource Representation Form
- ISO Resource Theme
- ISO Responsible Party
- ISO Security Constraints
- ISO Service Identification
- ISO Spectral Mode
- Identification
- Identifier
- Imagery Association Codelist
- Imaging Condition Codelist
- Implementation
- Implementation Guidance
- Informative References
- Instrument
- Integer
- Interval Length
- Introduction
- Introduction to Metadata
- Keyword Type Codelist
- Language Codelist
- Legal Constraint
- Locale
- Maintenance Information
- Management
- Mapping between DMF Metadata Elements and the first generation of ISO standards
- Medium
- Medium Name Codelist
- Metadata
- Metadata Elements
- Metadata General Guidelines
- Metadata Set
- Meteorological Condition
- NGMP Extensions of ISO 19115
- Normative References
- Normative references
- OGC Core returnable and queryable metadata elements
- Online Function Codelist
- Online Location
- Paper Maps
- Parent Metadata Reference
- Party
- Patch
- Platform
- Point
- Polarisation Codelist
- Polygon
- Predefined DMF profiles
- Process Step
- Profile
- Quality
- QualityMeasures
- Quality Examples
- Quality Information
- Quality element Codelist
- Quantitative Result
- Range
- Record
- Record Property
- Reference Date
- References
- Regulated Quality Report
- Releasability
- Representation Form Codelist
- Requirements
- Resolution
- Resource
- ResourceTypeCodelist
- Resource Metadata Set
- Resource Type Codelist
- Responsible Party
- Restriction Codelist
- Role Codelist
- Rules for profiling
- Rules for profiling DMF
- SAR Collection Mode Codelist
- Schemas
- Scope
- Security Constraint
- Sensor Type Codelist
- Service
- Service Coupling
- Service Identification
- Service Operation
- Source
- Spatial Representation Type Codelist
- Spatiotemporal
- Special Cell Values
- Spectral Mode Information Codelist
- Standard interchange of the DMF metadata elements
- StatusCodelist
- Status Codelist
- String
- Support File
- TemporalValidity
- Temporal Extent
- Terms, Definitions and Abreviations
- Test
- ThematicAccuracy
- Thematic Codelist
- Tile
- Tools
- Topic Category Enumeration
- Topology Level Codelist
- Translation
- Type Codelist
- Unit of Measure Codelist
- Unspecified Quality Report
- Usage
- Use of registered items
- Vector Geometry Codelist
- Vector Representation
- VerticalAccuracy
- Vertical Extent
- Vocabularies