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Conceptual schema Overview

As depicted in Figure 1, the DMF Extensions of ISO 19115 comprised of a generic implementation of records and a generic implementation of codelists.

They are defined in an egco (extended gco) namespace.

File:Image 3.png
Figure 1– Overview of DMF Extensions of ISO 19115

DMF Record

File:Image 8.png
Figure 2– Overview of DMF Record Extension of ISO 19103

DMF Codelist

The DMF CodeList is implemented in order to avoid the definition of XML Schema types and elements when a codelist needs to be defined and used in order to specify the domain of value of a metadata element or property.

A generic CodeList element is defined. The codeList attributes links to the urn of the codelist, codeListValue precedes the value in the codeList.

The following lines provide an example of this CodeList element:

<egco:Codelist codeListValue="eng" codeList=" http://www.dgiwg.org/metadata/dmf/codelist/LanguageCode" xmlns:egco=" http://www.dgiwg.org/xmlns/dmf/iso-g1/egco/1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation=" http://www.dgiwg.org/xmlns/dmf/iso-g1/egco/1.0 http://www.dgiwg.org/xmlns/dmf/1.0/iso-g1/egco/egco.xsd"> http://www.dgiwg.org/metadata/dmf/codelist/LanguageCode/eng</egco:Codelist>