ISO Georectified Grid Parameters

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Georectified Grid Parameters

Each set of Georectified Grid Parameters is implemented through a single instance of msr:MD_Georectified or one of its subclasses.

Its property instances are described below:

+ numberOfDimensions[1]:Integer cardinality of axisDimProp
+ axisDimensionProperties[1..*]:MD_Dimension axisDimProp
  + dimensionName[1]:MD_DimensionNameTypeCode dimensionName
  + dimensionSize[1]:Integer dimensionSize
  + resolution[0..1]:Measure resolution
+ cellGeometry[1]:MD_CellGeometryCode cellGeom
+ transformationParameterAvailability[1]:Boolean transParamAvailability - Default is true
+ checkPointAvailability[1]:Boolean false (when gridLocation is set)
+ cornerPoints[1..2]:GM_Point gridLocation.cornerPoints -  See Note 1
+ pointInPixel[1]:MD_PixelOrientationCode center (when gridLocation is set)
1. The srsName attribute is instantiated using the crs element.