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The framework, concepts, and methodology for testing, and the criteria to be achieved to claim conformance to DMF, are specified in ISO 19105.
Conformance to DMF may apply to:
·         A candidate Metadata Set, i.e. a set of metadata elements describing a dataset, series, tile or service.
·         A candidate Metadata Catalogue, i.e. software able to produce, ingest, use and manage conformant DMF Metadata Set.
·         A candidate Profile of the DMF, i.e. a Metadata Specification using a subset of the DMF metadata elements and possibly extending the DMF.

For each type of candidate, requirements are established throughout the DMF. Those requirements are defined throughout the clauses and summarized below.

For a candidate Metadata Catalogue:

Req 1. A candidate Metadata Catalogue shall take into account the DMF metadata element viewpoints in the interactions with the users (user interface, sets of metadata elements provided to the users in a given context).

Req 2. A candidate Metadata Catalogue shall take into account the DMF metadata element sets in the interactions with the users.

Req 3. The documentation of a candidate Metadata Catalogue shall list the supported DMF metadata classes as defined in clause 5.1.3 of this document.

Req 4.   A candidate Metadata Catalogue shall support at least the DMF/Core.

Req 5.   A candidate Metadata Catalogue having an output facility shall propose a mechanism to output a DMF Metadata Set conforming to one of the supported DMF metadata classes.

Req 11. A candidate Metadata Catalogue shall be able to manage each of the metadata elements, data types and complex data type properties pertaining to the supported metadata classes, whether it is optional or not.

Req 12. A candidate Metadata Catalogue shall at least be able to ingest and/or output DMF Conformant Metadata Sets, depending on the user requirements.

Req 14. A candidate Metadata Catalogue shall be able to input and/or output compliant DMF metadata sets.

Req 16. A DMF/Specific candidate Metadata Catalogue shall be able to implement the DMF extension of the ISO metadata standards, i.e. to use the DMF XML Schema implementation of the DMF Codelists defined in Annex C instead of the default character string implementation. The DMF catalogue should then show the human readable values provided in the DMF vocabulary.

Req 18. Any Candidate Metadata Catalogue shall be able to implement the DMF Codelist URI Schema for a DMF Metadata Element or Property Codelist mapped to an ISO 19115/ISO 19139 character string metadata element. The DMF catalogue shall show the values as they are defined in DMF vocabulary.

For a candidate Metadata Set

Req 8.  Within a DMF Metadata Set describing a dataset, dataset series, service, tile, or nonGeographicDataset, each metadata element of the supported metadata classes shall occur as many times as specified by the cardinality and constraint statements.

Req 9.  Within a DMF Metadata Set describing a dataset, dataset series, service, tile, or nonGeographicDataset, each instance of a property or metadata element having a complex data type shall comprise the property instances applicable to the supported metadata classes according to the data type definition.

Req 10. The content of each occurrence of a DMF Metadata Set shall conform to the value domain (including the data type definition) and description (including the identified constraints) of the metadata element.

Req 13. A candidate DMF Metadata Set shall be composed of a set of well-formed XML Documents valid with respect to XML Schemas conformant to the standard encoding of the geographic information concepts defined by ISO (ISO/TS 19139 for the first generation of standards). These XML Documents shall also conform to one of the mappings between the DMF Metadata elements and the geographic information standards defined in clauses 6.2 and 6.3.

Req 15. In order to meet the requirements expressed by a DMF Metadata Set, the XML Documents implementing a DMF metadata set shall meet the applicable DMF Specific Constraints.

Req 17. A DMF/Specific candidate Metadata set shall implement the DMF extension of the ISO metadata standards each time it is applicable.

Req 19. In a candidate DMF Metadata Set, any value of ISO 19115/ISO 19139 CharacterString metadata element mapped to a DMF Codelist shall conform to the DMF Codelist URI Scheme.

For a candidate Profile of the DMF:

Req 6.  A candidate profile of the DMF shall define the profiled DMF metadata classes. It shall respect the rules for profiling a DMF metadata class defined in Annex A.

Req 7.  A candidate profile of the DMF can define one or more metadata classes extending the DMF. It shall respect the rules for extending DMF defined in Annex A.