OGC Core returnable and queryable metadata elements

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The following mappings have been done in accordance with ISO 19115/ISO 19119 Application profile of CSW (OGC 07-006r1). The CIM extension of CSW ebRIM application profile has compatible metadata requirements. The purpose is to express the visibility of DMF through OGC Catalogue services. A returnable element is an element that is returned by the service and a queryable element is an element that can be queryed (ie filters can apply to this element).

A returnable element is an element that is returned by the service and a queryable element is an element that can be queryed (ie filters can apply to this element).

Term used in OGC returnable Term used in OGC queryables Definition Corresponding DMF element
Commonly used word(s) or formalised word(s) or phrase(s) used to describe the subject
A target for full-text search of character data types in a catalogue Whole resource text.
subject Subject A topic of the content of the resource. This is a place where a Topic Category or other taxonomy could be applied.
  • RSKWDS.keyword
title Title A name given to the resource. Also known as“Name”. RSTITLE
description Abstract An account of the content of the resource. This is also known as the “Abstract” in other aspects of OGC, FGDC, and ISO metadata. RSABSTR
format Format The physical or digital manifestation of the resource RSFMT.citation.title
identifier Identifier A unique reference to the record within the catalogue MDSID
date Modified The date of a creation or update event of the catalogue record. MDDATE
type Type The nature or genre of the content of the resource. RSTYPE
coverage BoundingBox The spatial extent or scope of the content of the resource. RSEXT.boundingBox
source Source A reference to a resource from which the present resource is derived. Not supported (because not supported by CSW ISO AP and the source metadata elements are not really suitable for queries.)
relation Association
Subject matter used to group similar keywords
The name of the relationship that exists between the resource described by this record and a related resource referenced using the Source or dc:source property. Not supported
Subject matter used to group similar keywords
Geographic Coordinate Reference System (Authority and ID) for the BoundingBox Ignored
Subject matter used to group similar keywords
An entity primarily responsible for making the content of the resource. RSRPTY::publisher.orgName