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The following metadata elements are applicable to all resources

Identifier Title / Description Value Domain Card Condition Guidelines Example
Resource Lineage
This is a statement on process history and/or overall quality of the resource. Where appropriate it may include a statement whether the data set has been validated or quality assured, whether it is the official version (if multiple versions exist), and whether it has legal validity.
Free Text
Default is To be determined
1     Creation of XXXTopo product.

The XXXTopo product is created from the Cartographic Data Base (CDB). The CDB is a corporate data warehouse containing vector topographical data with their cartographic representation. The CDB is managed and maintained by XXX. The creation of XXXTopo product is comprised of the following steps: - Set the data frame size, Universal Transverse of Mercator (UTM) projection and rotation. - Create the final map layout including text/graphics in the surround. - Perform visual inspection of final map layout. - Export of data to "TerraGo GeoPDF" format. - Creation of files in PDF TIFF, GeoTIFF format.

Resource Regulated Quality Report
Information related to the result of a quality evaluation following a pre-defined registered data quality measure.
A list of predefined quality measure is defined in DGIWG Metadata Guidelines document. It includes positional and vertical accuracy measures, product specification compliancy, and imagery quality measures like NIIRS, snow cover, etc.
Regulated Quality Report 0..*      
Resource Unspecified Quality Report
Information related to the result of an unspecified quality evaluation.
Unspecified Quality Report 0..*      
Source of the Resource
This element provides information about the source data used in creating the resource.
Source 0..*      
Resource Process Step
This element provides information about an event or transformation in the life of a resource including the process used to maintain the resource.
* Strongly recommended for DMF/Sensor, in order to be able to trace all the processing steps

Process Step 0..*      
Resource Usage
This metadata element may be used to provide information about the intended usage of the data, or recommendations about how to use the data, for example, the projection in which the data can be displayed.
Usage 0..*  
RSSPUS should be populated for products which should be used/viewed in a different projection to the one which the image is stored.
Can be used to specify the recommended projection